Year | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details |
2024-2025 | Ms. Jeshmol P J | A Video Question Answering framework for
women’s safety in Metro Surveillance 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology |
2024-2025 | Ms. Jeshmol P J | Video Question Answering: A survey of the state-of-the-art Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation |
2024-2025 | Dr. Vidhya PM | Enhanced classification of microplastic polymers
(polyethylene, polystyrene, low-density polyethylene,
polyhydroxyalkanoate) in waterbodies Polymers for Advanced Technologies |
2024-2025 | Dr. Vidhya PM | SegNet-VOLO model for classifying microplastic contaminants in water bodies Polymers for Advanced Technologies |
2024-2025 | Dr. Saritha S | A Python Interface for Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Multivariate Ocean Data Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2024-2025 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Kathakali Mudras: An AI-Enhanced Predictive Approach 11th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2024) |
2024-2025 | Dr. Saritha S | An Energy Efficiency Optimization for Uplink Communication in IEEE 802.11 ah Under Restricted Access Window. Wireless Personal Communications |
2023-2024 | Mr. Mathews Abraham | A Learning Based Method for the Drug-Drug Interaction Detection International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering |
2023-2024 | Ms. Jeshmol P J | GAN based Underwater Image Enhancement International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology |
2023-2024 | Dr. Saritha S | Q&AI: An AI Powered Mock Interview Bot for Enhancing the Performance of Aspiring Professionals Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Ubiquitous Communication, and Computational Intelligence |
2023-2024 | Dr. Saritha S | A Python-based Tool for the Generation of T-S Plot to Determine Water Masses in the World Ocean 2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications |
2023-2024 | Dr. Saritha S | An Intelligent Pattern Matching approach with Deep Hypersphere Model for Secure Big Data Storage in Cloud Environment International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. |
2023-2024 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Violence Detection in Jails and Mental Asylums International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT) |
2023-2024 | Dr. Ranju S Kartha | NLP-Based Automatic Summarization using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers-Long Short Term Memory Hybrid Model: Enhancing Text Compression (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, |
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT) |
2022-2023 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Automatic Detection of Sign Language Fingerspelling on Combined Features and Feature Selection using Improvised Battle Royale Optimisation Algorithm SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
2022-2023 | Dr. Saritha S | An Intelligent Pattern Matching approach with Deep
Hypersphere Model for Secure Big Data Storage in
Cloud Environment
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. |
2022-2023 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Operational Pattern Forecast Improvement with Outlier Detection in Metro Rail Transport System Multimedia Tools and Applications |
2022-2023 | Dr. Saritha S | DeepPRS: A Deep Learning Integrated Pattern Recognition Methodology for Secure Data in Cloud Environment Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2022) |
2022-2023 | Dr. Saritha S | Design and implementation of an augmented reality mobile application for navigating ATM counters (AR-ATM) Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application |
2022-2023 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | A Path-Depended Passenger Flow Forecasting Model for Metro Rail Systems Using LSTM Neural Network 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, (VEHITS 2023)SCITEPRr |
2022-2023 | Dr. Ranju S Kartha | RealTES: A Virtual Office Application Enhancing Productivity and Work-Life Balance in Remote Work Environments International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology |
2022-2023 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Using Deep Learning International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology |
2022-2023 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Medical Data Security using RSA and Visual Cryptography International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
2022-2023 | Dr. Ranju S Kartha | Localized skin Disease Detection and Classification using an optimized Hybrid Deep Learning Model with
Attention Mechanism European Chemical Bulletin |
2022-2023 | Mr. Tinku Soman Jacob | Character-Based Video Summarization International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT) |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Glowworm Swarm Optimization for Effectual Load Balancing and Routing Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Networks |
2021-2022 | Dr. Saritha S | An Energy Efficient Intelligent Method for Sensor Node Selection to Improve the Data Reliability in Internet of Things Networks KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS |
2021-2022 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | A Novel Framework for Security Enhancement in Medical Data Transmission ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | JP-DAP: An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Short-Term Passenger Count Prediction for Metro Stations using LSTM Network Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2020. |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Detection of Moving Objects in a Metro Rail CCTV Video using YOLO Object Detection Models Transactions of International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation 2020 |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Performance Improvement for Metro Passenger Flow Forecast using Spatio-Temporal Deep Neural Network Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA) |
2021-2022 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Passenger Flow Prediction from AFC Data Using Station Memorizing LSTM for Metro Rail Systems Neural Network World, Czech Republic |
2020-2021 | Dr. Saritha S | Video Enhancement and Low Resolution Facial Image Reconstruction for Crime Investigation 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication and IoT |
2020-2021 | Dr. Biju Paul | A Combinatorial Optimized Knapsack Linear Space for Information Retrieval CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA |
2020-2021 | Dr. Biju Paul | Energy Efficient Sustainable City Monitoring Using IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks and Data Analytics. Journal of Information Science & Engineering |
2020-2021 | Dr. Saritha S | A Fuzzy rule- based Abandoned Object Detection using Image Fusion for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education |
2020-2021 | Mr. Mathews Abraham | Scene Recognition Through Caption Generation By Deep Learning
International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) Conference |
2020-2021 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | Fraud Detection: In Airline Loyalty Program Using Machine Learning International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends |
2019-2020 | Dr. Biju Paul | Traffic scheduling for Green City through energy efficient Wireless sensor Networks International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science Engineering (IJATCSE) |
2019-2020 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Intelligent Intrusion Detection System 10th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering 2020 |
2019-2020 | Dr. Saritha S | Change Detection in Urban Landscapes : A Tensor Factorization Approach. Journal of Spatial Information Research |
2019-2020 | Dr. Saritha S | Change Analysis of Indian Metropolitan Cities through a Spatiotemporal Ontology. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering |
2019-2020 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | Fraud Detection: In Airline Loyalty Program Using Machine Learning International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends |
2019-2020 | Mr. Mathews Abraham | Botnet detection based on Machine learning techniques. International journal of latest engineering and management research |
2019-2020 | Dr. Saritha S | Mining spatial colocations from imageobjects:
A tensor factorization approach, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems |
2018-2019 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Automated Surveillance System for Infection Control International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2017-2018 | Mr. Mathews Abraham | Sensor selection for IoT using heuristic based greedy algortihm and constraint programing |
2017-2018 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | NOVEL IMAGE DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT SCHEME,Published In IJCRT ( ) ISSN UGC Approved & 5.97 Impact Factor Volume 6 Issue 2 APRIL 2018 |
2017-2018 | Dr. Saritha S | An Incremental Boolean Tensor Factorization approach to model Change Patterns of Objects in Images |
2017-2018 | Dr. Saritha S | Spatiotemporal Ontology for understanding semantics in Change Patterns of Remote Sensing Images |
2017-2018 | Dr. Saritha S | Identifying the risk factors for Diabetic Retinopathy using Decision trees |
2017-2018 | Dr. Saritha S | Inter-Spectral and Intra-Spectral Features for Effective Classification of Remotely Sensed Images |
2016-2017 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | A Modularized Approach for Real Time Vehicular Surveillance with a Custom HOG based LPR System |
2016-2017 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | License Plate Detection and Recognition Using a HOG Feature Based SVM Classifier |
2016-2017 | Dr. Biju Paul | Data Gathering Protocol for Reducing Energy Utilisation in a Wireless Sensor Network |
2016-2017 | Mr. Mathews Abraham | Job sequencing scheduling in cloud computing |
2016-2017 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | Job sequencing scheduling in cloud computing |
2016-2017 | Dr. Saritha S | Analysis of the Smart Growth of Kochi City through Landscape Metrics (Paper Accepted) |
2015-2016 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | “Job Sequence Scheduling In Cloud Computing” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Alappuzha, |
2015-2016 | Dr. Saritha S | Data Mining - What, Why and Where? CSI Communications, |
2014-2015 | Ms. Bency Wilson | SDFS: secured data forwarding with minimum selfishness and message overhead in mobile wireless network 2015 Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) |
2014-2015 | Dr. Saritha S | Classification based land use/land cover Change Detection through Landsat Images (Proceedings in IEEEXplore) |
2014-2015 | Dr. Saritha S | A Hierarchical framework for the Classification of Multispectral Imagery (Proceedings in Elsevier) |
2014-2015 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Jaison Mulerikkal, Yedhu Sastri, Binu A and Jomina John, "Private Cloud Test Cluster Installation at RSET using OpenStack", Department Documentation, CS&IT, RSET |
2014-2015 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | "CPRM: Cooperative Position based Routing scheme for MANETs" in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) |
2014-2015 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Preeth Eranholinalupurakal, Jaison Mulerikkal, Biju Paul and Yedhu Sastri, “Evaluation of Docker Containers Based on Hardware Utilization”, IEEE International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC , November 19-21, 2015), College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram |
2014-2015 | Dr. Saritha S | Junction Based on-Demand Routing Protocol for VANETS (IJERT) |
2014-2015 | Fr. Jaison Paul Mulerickal | Jaison Mulerikkal, Yedhu Sastri, “OpenStack and CloudStack Private Cloud Installations – Performance Evaluation and Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, Kochi, India, 2015. |
2013-2014 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Enhanced beaconless routing mechanism in VANET 2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) |
2013-2014 | Ms. Bency Wilson | EZR: Enhanced Zone Based Routing In Manet International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) |
2013-2014 | Ms. Bency Wilson | Social-aware Context Based Approach for
Forwarding Data in Wireless Network
Comprising of Selfish Individuals International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET) |
2013-2014 | Dr. Biju Paul | Hybrid Data Aggregation Technique In Wireless Sensor Network Through Classification Of Fruitful Messages |
2013-2014 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | Secure Data Accumulation and Certification Procedure for Sensor Networks |
2013-2014 | Ms. Kuttyamma A J | NetworkX and Matplotlib an Analysis |
2013-2014 | Dr. Saritha S | CRM- Cluster Based Replica Allocation over MANET |
2013-2014 | Dr. Saritha S | Survey on various IP Spoofing Detection Techniques |
2013-2014 | Dr. Saritha S | A survey on evaluation schemes for routing behaviours in MANET |