The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) is the national organization of engineers in India, established in 1920 in Kolkata, West Bengal. It has more than one million members in its 15 engineering disciplines across 125 centers and chapters located in India and around the world. It is the world's largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society in the world, and acclaimed to have pioneered non-formal education in engineering. The Institution of Engineers India was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It is currently headquartered in 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata.
The branches of this organization gradually began spreading across the country, leading to the birth of local institutions. Technical operations were established in 1944, with four large departments: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and General Engineering. In addition to representing India in the Engineers Mobility Forum, the institution has been prominent in World Mining Congress (WMC), the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the Commonwealth Engineers’ Council (CEC), the Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib), and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia (FEISCA). It has no worldwide bilateral agreements with other professional societies.