Conexus - Micro Journal

The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities collaboratively established ‘Conexus,’ encompassing diverse fields such as Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, and Physical Education. This initiative promotes interdisciplinary exchange and research, seeking recognition from esteemed researchers. The journal welcomes papers from students and faculty across disciplines such as Chemistry, Economics, English, Physics, Physical Education, and Psychology, centered around specific themes. We release an edition annually, awarding 20 activity points to student contributions that are accepted.

Editorial Board

  1. Dr.-Ing Varghese Panthalookaran (Physics)
  2. Dr. Antony V. Varghese (Chemistry)
  3. Dr. Sonia Paul (English)

Conexus team

  1. Dr. Deepa K. Baby (Co-ordinator)
  2. Dr. Diana Joe K. (Co-ordinator)
  3. Mr. Sujith S. (Secretary)
  4. Mr. Vinay Menon
  5. Ms. Neethu George
  6. Ms. Jinsha T K