Saturday Research Seminar

A Saturday research seminar is typically an academic or professional meeting held on a Saturday where researchers, scholars, and practitioners present and discuss their latest findings, projects, or ideas. The objectives of the Saturday research seminar are to facilitate knowledge sharing, support professional development, and provide constructive criticism and suggestions to help the research work.

1 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 25-Feb-17 Dr.Vinod Kumar P.B Topological Data Analysis
2 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 4-Mar-17 Ms. Jincy S George, Research scholar Intoduction to Bifurcation Theory
3 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 18-Mar-17 Mr. Abraham Jacob, Research Scholar in Mathematics Intoduction to intuitionistic fuzzy soft graph
4 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 25-Mar-17 Fr. Vincent N S, research scholar in Mathematics of Christ University, Bangalore Some relation between Turbulent and Caotic functions
5 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 23-Sep-17 Ms. Suja N Thomas, Model Engg, college Research Scholar, RSET On Sharkovsky's Theorem.
6 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 7-Oct-17 Ms. Sreeja K.U., Research Scholar, RSET. Symbolic Dynamics and Topological Conjugacy.
7 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 21-Oct-17 Mr. SHYAM SUNDER IYER, Asst. Professor RSET  Singularities in Fluid Mechanics-Hydrodynamic Instebility and vorticity.
8 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 27-Jan-18 Mr. Sanooj B,College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Research scholar in Mathematics of RSET Intoduction to Hypercyclic Operators.
9 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 27-Jul-19 Ms.Selvy R, Research Scholar, RSET. Cantor set Arithematic.
10 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 17-Aug-19 Mr. Binu R , Assistant Professor in Mathematics, RSET  Some basic characterization of neutrosophic sunmodule.
11 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 24-Aug-19 Ms.Jaya Abraham, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, RSET  From Formal Languge to Picture Language.
12 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 10-Jul-20 Ms.Eva Cherian, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, RSET  Inner product space.
13 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 19-Sep-20 Ms. Reya Kuruvila, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, RSET  Probability and applications.
14 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 21-Nov-20 Ms. Asha G Pillai, Research scholar, RSET  An introduction to semigraphs.
15 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 17-Apr-21 Mr.Shyam Sunder Iyer, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, RSET Effect on viscoelasticity and Internal current on wave attenuation.
16 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 19-Jun-21 Ms. Deepthi Chandran, Research Scholar, RSET Intoduction to Hypergraph
17 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 26-Jun-21 Ms. Sreeja K.U., Research Scholar, RSET. Independence Fractal of a graph.
18 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 17-Jul-21 Mr. Manoj K.R., Research Scholar, RSET. Introduction to dynamic operators.
19 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 24-Jul-21 Ms. Jeeva Jose, Research Scholar, RSET. Introduction to Morese Theory.
20 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 25-Sep-21 Ms. Suja N. Thomas, Research Scholar, RSET,  A study on properties of periodic points and set of periods of continous self maps on topological spaces.
21 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 21-May-22 Dr.Deepthi Mary Tresa S.,Assistant Professor,RSET Interval valued Fuzzy graph and its Applications.
22 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 18-Jun-22 Mr. Sanooj B, Research Scholar, RSET. Li-Yorke eigen sets of operations in Hilbert space.
23 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 25-Jun-22 Mr. Amal Raj P, Research Scholar, RSET Chaotic functions in the Hyperspace of Topological spaces.
24 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 30-Jul-22 Mr. Abraham Jacob, Assistant Professor, RSET Morphology on Intuitiomistic Fuzzy soft graphs.
25 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 27-Aug-22 Ms.Jauda P.P, Research Scholar, RSET. Families of Tent maps.
26 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 26-Nov-22 Ms. Miseriya Majeed, Research Scholar, RSET On some properties of Cayley graphs.
27 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 27-Feb-23 Mr. Abraham Jacob, Assistant Professor, RSET A study of morphological operators on intuitionistic fuzzy graph
28 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 29-Jul-23 Ms. Bindu V A,Assistant Professor,Department of Mathematics Exponential Diophantine equation in two variables.
29 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 28-Oct-23 Ms.Cindrella T.J, Research scholar , RSET On the space of Homeomorphisms and Effros' Theorem.
30 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 23-Mar-24 Ms.Selvy R, Research scholar , RSET Mandelbrot set and Julia set in Fuzzy iterated Function system.
31 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 25-May-24 Ms Jeeva Jose, Research scholar , RSET Some applications using Topological Data Analysis methods.
32 SATURDAY RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 15-Jun-24 Dr. Neethu T S, Assistant Professor, RSET Bioconvective EMHD Hybrid Nanofluid flow past a stretching sheet.