Institution Industry Cell has been set up with the objective of promoting interaction between industry and institute for the betterment of engineering education offered at RSET. The cell provides opportunities to the faculty and students to get familiarized with the practices of the industry and its associated activities, thereby bridging the gap between academic learning and industry applications.
The cell organizes industrial visits, industrial training, seminars, workshops, technical talks, internships etc.
Policy for Industrial Visits and Internships
Students are expected to undertake industrial training(s) of total 10 days minimum duration or industrial visits (to minimum 2 industries) for studying about the industries of importance to the branch concerned during 4th to 7th semester.
Students of final year can undertake an internship extending to 4-6 months as part of their placements obtained through college. Students may also undertake an educational tour, the tour period shall be considered as part of the working periods of a semester. The tour maybe conducted during the vacation/holidays taking not more than 3 working days, combined with the vacation/holidays if required, between 5th and 8th semesters for visiting industries (at least two) of importance to the branch concerned. Faculty members shall accompany the students for the industrial visits/educational tour. Each student shall submit detailed bound report(s) of the training/visit/tour to the Head of Department within two weeks after the programme. These bound report(s), signed by the staff advisor or faculty in charge of tour/training/visit and by the head of department, shall also be brought during the final Viva-Voce.
The Institution Industry Cell (IIC) of RSET is constituted with the following members:
1. Ms. Sangeetha Jamal (DCS) - Chair
2. Mr. Vineeth Krishna P (DME) – Co-chair
Point of Contact (PoC) from RSET Departments:
Mr. Krishnakumar K P (DAE)
Mr. Rahesh Hari (DCE)
Ms Anita John (DCS)
Mr. Karunakara P. Menon (DEC)
Mr. Unnikrishnan L (DEE)
Mr. Tinku Soman Jacob (DIT)
Mr. Jeffin Johnson (DME)
Ms. Menny M.N. (DMA)