RSET Events


Organised by: Electronauts   



Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/12307

Details of the Event

Organised by Electronauts
Description Pictomania is a fun game where students will participate in teams of three. Each team will be called forward where the coordinator will give them a clue about any basic technological based item. The team will be given 1 minute to guess it. After guessing the item, one member from the team will draw the item on the board for the remaining teams to guess within 1 minute. All the remaining teams will be provided with buzzers on their phone to answer, if any team answers correctly with 1 minute, both the team that guessed the item and the team that drew the item will earn points. The team with the most points win.
Type Extra Curricular
Level College
Need An activity for the students showcase their skills in groups
Date 18-Oct-2024
Place S5 ECE Alpha classroom, 11:40am to 12:30pm
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