RSET Events

Engineering Bingo

Organised by: Electronauts   


Engineering Bingo

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11873

Details of the Event

Organised by Electronauts
Description Engineering bingo is a fun and educational game that uses bingo cards filled with engineering-related terms, concepts, or challenges instead of traditional numbers. Players mark off items on their cards as they encounter or learn about them during engineering-related activities or events. The goal is to complete a row, column, or diagonal on the bingo card by identifying or experiencing the engineering elements listed. It's a great way to engage students or enthusiasts in engineering topics while making learning interactive and enjoyable. It also includes a quiz session in between each rounds of bingo.
Type Club Activity
Level College
Need This session improves the technical skills of the students and gives them a platform to encounter or learn about these engineering elements.
Date 13-Oct-2023
Place S3 ECE Gamma classroom, 11:40am to 12:30pm