RSET Events

RENDEVOUS - membership drive - R10 sponsered

Organised by: RSET    IEEE Kerala section


RENDEVOUS - membership drive - R10 sponsered

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11666

Details of the Event

Organised by RSET in association with IEEE Kerala section
Description Renaissance, an R10 SAC MDLT supported event organized by IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE LINK. The event is organized to enhance student membership in Kerala. The benefits of IEEE is explained and through games, the significance of networking is introduced.
Type Workshops
Level State
Need For the growth of IEEE student membership and to help membership development members in each SB of the section with awareness and significance of an IEEE membership.
Date 27-May-2023
Place KE Seminar hall 10:00am - 4:30 pm