RSET Events

RSET Voice Hunt 2023 - Western Semi Finals

Organised by: Dept BSH    Dept DMA


RSET Voice Hunt 2023 - Western Semi Finals

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11637

Details of the Event

Organised by Dept BSH in association with Dept DMA
Description This is an annual event conducted exclusively for the first year B Tech students of RSET to identify and showcase their multifaceted talents.
Type Extra Curricular
Level College
Need he first year B. Tech students of RSET represent students from all over the world who are unfamiliar with the institution and its culture. Voice Hunt is an event organized to facilitate camaraderie among the first years, develop heir multifaceted talents and to assimilate the ethos of RSET in the process of organizing the event which takes place over a period of 2 months.
Date 26-May-2023
Place Seminar Hall 11.30 a.m. - 02.00 p.m. and 4.15 p.m. - 5 .30 p.m.