Montior your health using arduino - Hands on workshop on Arduino for school students
Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11374
Details of the Event
Organised by
IEEE in association with Rajagiri IEEE Student Branch
Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that
designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building
digital devices.
The workshop is to introduce students to electronics through the Arduino platform. You can
learn how to make your own circuit on a breadboard, program that circuit with an Arduino, and
The RSET Student Branch in association with Kochi Subsection organized a Workshop Series on
Arduino and its Applications. This series was aimed at providing the participants with basic
exposure and demonstration of the Arduino Development Board and making them aware of its
applications and implementation.
The workshop will help to improve the professional competencies of the high school students
and give them an idea of the advancing technology. This can be used as a major way to
encourage students and others to learn more about electronics and programming.
STEM in school studeents - R10 innovation challenge funding