RSET Events

RSET Voice Hunt 2022- Eastern - Grand Finale

Organised by: Dept BSH    Dept MA


RSET Voice Hunt 2022- Eastern - Grand Finale

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11257

Details of the Event

Organised by Dept BSH in association with Dept MA
Description The grand finale of the annual music competition conducted exclusively for first year B.Tech students of RSET. This event is the live finals of the Eastern music competition of six finalists chosen after three prior rounds conducted over a period of three months.
Type Extra Curricular
Level College
Need To promote various extracurricular talents and skills among first year B Tech students in music, dance, anchoring, photography, videography, poster making, leadership, organizing, team work etc.
Date 9-May-2022
Place KE Auditorium, 1- 4.30 p.m.