RSET Events

Alumni Interaction

Organised by: Dept ECE    S.O.U.L. (Skills Onto Uplifting Lives), Community Service Cell, DEC & Higher Studies Cell


Alumni Interaction

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11158

Details of the Event

Organised by Dept ECE in association with S.O.U.L. (Skills Onto Uplifting Lives), Community Service Cell, DEC & Higher Studies Cell
Description Session to lighten up the opportunities in core electronic industry and to help the students to find the gap between the industry demand and academics to fourth year ECE students and making them aware of the skillset needed to be part of the core industry.
Type Club Activity
Level Department
Need To provide awareness to students regarding the job culture and help out in finding the gaps between the academics and industry.
Date 16-Dec-2021
Place S7 EC Classrooms, 10:30 am to 12:30pm
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