Faculty Publication

Year Name of Faculty Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details
2023-2024 Mr. Mathews Abraham A Learning Based Method for the Drug-Drug Interaction Detection
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
2022-2023 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Time series prediction of personalized insulin dosage for type 2 diabetics
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2022-2023 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Transfer Learning for Feature Dimensionality Reduction
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology,
2022-2023 Ms. Bency Wilson Medical Data Security using RSA and Visual Cryptography
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
2022-2023 Mr. Tinku Soman Jacob Character-Based Video Summarization
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT)
2021-2022 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Facial Expression Recognition using VGG16 and LSTM
Turkish online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
2021-2022 Ms. Kuttyamma A J A Novel Framework for Security Enhancement in Medical Data Transmission
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology
2020-2021 Dr. Biju Paul A Combinatorial Optimized Knapsack Linear Space for Information Retrieval
2020-2021 Dr. Biju Paul Energy Efficient Sustainable City Monitoring Using IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks and Data Analytics.
Journal of Information Science & Engineering
2020-2021 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan A Multimodal Learning to Rank model for Web Pages
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
2020-2021 Mr. Mathews Abraham Scene Recognition Through Caption Generation By Deep Learning
International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) Conference
2020-2021 Ms. Kuttyamma A J Fraud Detection: In Airline Loyalty Program Using Machine Learning
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
2020-2021 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Extracting and Learning Visual Features to Improve Keyword based Web Search
Solid State Technology
2019-2020 Dr. Biju Paul Traffic scheduling for Green City through energy efficient Wireless sensor Networks
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science Engineering (IJATCSE)
2019-2020 Ms. Bency Wilson Intelligent Intrusion Detection System
10th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering 2020
2019-2020 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan A supervised multimodal search re-ranking technique using visual semantics
International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise (IJIE)
2019-2020 Ms. Kuttyamma A J Fraud Detection: In Airline Loyalty Program Using Machine Learning
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends
2019-2020 Mr. Mathews Abraham Botnet detection based on Machine learning techniques.
International journal of latest engineering and management research
2017-2018 Mr. Mathews Abraham Sensor selection for IoT using heuristic based greedy algortihm and constraint programing
2017-2018 Ms. Kuttyamma A J NOVEL IMAGE DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT SCHEME,Published In IJCRT ( www.ijcrt.org ) ISSN UGC Approved & 5.97 Impact Factor Volume 6 Issue 2 APRIL 2018
2017-2018 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan An adaptive feature extraction approach for improving handwritten character recognition
International Journal for current Advanced Research
2017-2018 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan “A Reactive Search Re-ranking model based on Images of User Interest”
International Journal of computer application(IJCA)(UGC approved Journal )
2016-2017 Ms. Kuttyamma A J A Modularized Approach for Real Time Vehicular Surveillance with a Custom HOG based LPR System
2016-2017 Ms. Kuttyamma A J License Plate Detection and Recognition Using a HOG Feature Based SVM Classifier
2016-2017 Dr. Biju Paul Data Gathering Protocol for Reducing Energy Utilisation in a Wireless Sensor Network
2016-2017 Mr. Mathews Abraham Job sequencing scheduling in cloud computing
2016-2017 Ms. Kuttyamma A J Job sequencing scheduling in cloud computing
2016-2017 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan A Reactive Search Re-ranking Model Based on Images of User Interest
2015-2016 Ms. Kuttyamma A J “Job Sequence Scheduling In Cloud Computing” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Alappuzha,
2015-2016 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Locality aware Map Reduce,IBICA 2015
2015-2016 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Cognitive Radio Networks: A Brainy Wireless Network System for IOT,International journal of engineering research and management
2015-2016 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan A Technical Insight on the New Generation Databases: NoSQL,International Journal of Computer Applications
2014-2015 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Improved input data splitting in mapreduce
2014-2015 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Analysis and Evaluation of performance of Query execution for the BigData platform
2014-2015 Ms. Kuttyamma A J "CPRM: Cooperative Position based Routing scheme for MANETs" in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
2014-2015 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Highly Available Hadoop Name Node Architecture-Using Replicas of Name Node with Time Synchronization among Replicas
2013-2014 Dr. Biju Paul Hybrid Data Aggregation Technique In Wireless Sensor Network Through Classification Of Fruitful Messages
2013-2014 Ms. Kuttyamma A J Secure Data Accumulation and Certification Procedure for Sensor Networks
2013-2014 Ms. Kuttyamma A J NetworkX and Matplotlib an Analysis
2013-2014 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Image Scrambling Methods for Image Hiding: A Survey
2013-2014 Dr. Nikhila T Bhuvan Highly available Hadoop Namenode Architecture using Replicas of Name node with time synchronization among replicas