Faculty Publication

Year Name of Faculty Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details
2024-2025 Dr. Sherly K K Hybrid CNN Models for Plant Species Recognition and Disease Detection
Computing Conference 2024
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2023-2024 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. An Enhanced Hybrid Model for Liver Disease Detection Utilizing Deep Learning and Machine Learning
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
2023-2024 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. A Learning Based Method for the Drug-Drug Interaction Detection
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2023-2024 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. AI-Empowered Intruder Alert System for Enhanced Security
International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS 2023)
2022-2023 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. An innovative framework for extracting adverse drug reactions of single medication and combined medications from medical transcriptions and online reviews
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
2022-2023 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Automated Generation of Meeting Minutes Using Deep Learning Techniques
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
2022-2023 Dr. Sherly K K Autonomous Car for Indian Conditions
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology
2022-2023 Dr. Sherly K K An Efficient Hybrid Classifier Model for Customer Churn Prediction
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
2022-2023 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Entropy-Based Feature Selection using Extra Tree Classifier for IoT Security
Iraqi Journal of Science
2021-2022 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Hybrid approach for disease comorbidity and disease gene prediction using heterogeneous dataset
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
2021-2022 Dr. Sherly K K Various Approaches in Plant Species Identification and Plant Disease Detection Using Digital Images of Leaves
10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC2021)
2021-2022 Dr. Sherly K K A novel forward filter feature selection algorithm based on Maximum Dual Interaction and Maximum Feature Relevance(MDIMFR) for Machine Learning
10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication(ICACC 2021)
2021-2022 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. A Hybrid Model for Prediction and Progression of COVID-19 Using Clinical Text Data and Chest X-rays
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2021-2022 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Blockchain-Based Deep Learning to Process IoT Data Acquisition in Cognitive Data
Bio Med Research Journal
2021-2022 Mr. Binu A JP-DAP: An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
2021-2022 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Automated Event-Triggered GUI Testing and Bug Reproduction for NonAndroid Applications
2021-2022 Mr. Binu A Performance and Power Characterization of Dynamic Programming Workloads with Memoization and Tabulation
International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST)
2021-2022 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Secure Key Management Based Mobile Authentication in Cloud
Computer Systems Science & Engineering
2021-2022 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Modelling Of Maximal Connectivity Pattern in Human Brain Networks
Neuro Quantology
2021-2022 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Container ID Detection and Recognition
2021-2022 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Disease and Adverse Drug Reaction Prediction using Machine Learning
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
2020-2021 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Energy Efficient Sustainable City Monitoring Using IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks and Data Analytics
2020-2021 Dr. Sherly K K The Biometric Cardless Transaction with Shuffling Keypad Using Proximity Sensor
2020-2021 Dr. Sherly K K Ayurvedic Plant Recognition using Multi-learners Model
3rdInternational Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2020)
2020-2021 Mr. Binu A Facial Emotion Recognition System for Unusual Behaviour Identification and Alert Generation
Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things Proceedings of ICICI 2020
2020-2021 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil A Combinatorial Optimized Knapsack Linear Space for Information Retrieval
Computers, Materials & Continua
2020-2021 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S ARShoppy: A Real-time Simulation of In-store Shopping Using Augmented Reality
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Technological Convergence in Engineering, Energy, and Sustainability (ICTCEES-2020)
2020-2021 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Automated Event Triggered GUI Testing and Bug Reproduction for Non-Android Applications
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Technological Convergence in Engineering, Energy, and Sustainability (ICTCEES-2020)
2020-2021 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Intelligent Farming Of The Future: An Integrated Farming Assistance And Crop Prediction Technique Using Isolation Forest Anomaly Detection
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science & Engineering
2019-2020 Mr. Binu A An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems (Communicated)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
2019-2020 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Network based approach for discovering novel gene-phenotypic association and disease co morbidities using ontological data
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019)
2019-2020 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Comparative analysis of vehicle make and model recognition using deep learning techniques.
Second IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies.
2019-2020 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. An enhanced approach for movie review analysis using deep learning techniques
4th International Conference on Communication and Electronic Systems
2019-2020 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Movie success prediction using ensemble classifier
Conference - International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020)
2018-2019 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. A Comparative Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction Prediction Techniques
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
2018-2019 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Decentralized Isolated Educational Content Aggregation System
International Journal of Information system & Computer sciences.
2018-2019 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. A novel approach for disease comorbidity prediction using weighted association rule mining
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
2018-2019 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Joint Slot Filling and Intent Prediction for Natural Language Understanding in Frames Dataset.
International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2018)
2018-2019 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Security and Privacy via Optimized Block chain
2018-2019 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Efficient Route Recommendation System Based On Keyword Using Candidate Route Generation And Travel Route Exploration
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
2018-2019 Dr. Sherly K K A Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Ensemble CVM Using efficient feature Selection approach
2017-2018 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Convolution neural network based fruit recognition application
National conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Communication
2017-2018 Mr. Binu A Design and Development of Ontology Based DSL to Monitor Human Movement Using Video Surveillance Systems
2017-2018 Dr. Sherly K K Analyzing the Behaviour of Youth to Sociality using Social Media Mining
2017-2018 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Steganographic access protocol for online transaction
2017-2018 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S A survey on big data analytics for precision machine
2017-2018 Dr. Sherly K K Flow chart Plagiarism Detection System: An Image Processing Approach
2017-2018 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Continuous Point Wise Key Information Extraction For Semantic Data Analysis
2017-2018 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Extracting Association Rules from Medical Health Records Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications (ICACC-2017)
2017-2018 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Predicting hyperlipidemia using enhanced ensemble classifier
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)
2017-2018 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S Zero-shot learning with Fast RCNN and Mask RCNN through semantic attribute Mapping- International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI)
2017-2018 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil A Pattern Tree User Queries based Key Frame Extraction and Sentimental Divergence Classifi cation in Semantic Data Analysis
International Journal of CTA
2016-2017 Dr. Sherly K K Efficient Adaptive Frequent Mining techniques for Market Analysis in Sequential and Parallel Systems
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology
2016-2017 Mr. Binu A A Modularized Approach for Real Time Vehicular Surveillance with a Custom HOG based LPR System"
2016-2017 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil “A Pattern Tree User Queries Based Key Frame Extraction and Sentimental Divergence Classification in Semantic Data Analysis” in one Scoupus Indexed Journal
2016-2017 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil “Continious Point wise Key Information Extraction for Semantic Data Analysis”, In Scoupous Indexed Journal.
2016-2017 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Gene Ontology Mining: A Survey
2016-2017 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Access Enabled database Query Recommendation system
International Journal Of Advanced Research
2016-2017 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S A Progressive Approach for Duplicate Detection with Map Reduce,IJAR
2016-2017 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S A comparison between two variants of sorted neighborhood method, International journal of innovative research in computer and communication engineering
2015-2016 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil "AN EFFICIENT QUERY RETRIEVAL MODEL USING PATTERN TREE-BASED LATENT DIRICHELT ALLOCATION" Varghese S Chooralil, Dr. E. Gopinathan,International Journal Of Applied Engineering & Research,ISSN 0973-4562,Vol-10.No-5,pp 3979-3982
2015-2016 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil "A Semantic Web Query Optimization Using Resource Description Framework " Varghese S Chooralil, Dr. E Gopinathan, Fourth International Conference on Eco Friendly Computing & Communication Systems,ELSEVIER,NIT Kurukshetra, Hariyana.Dec-2015
2015-2016 Mr. Binu A 2016 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER) Article Title: Energy Aware SLA and Green Cloud Federations
2015-2016 Mr. Binu A 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE) Article Title: Auto Scaling for Various Patterns of Workflow within Deadline time and Energy aware VM allocation in Cloud Environment
2015-2016 Mr. Binu A ACM Optimization-Aware Scheduling in Cloud Computing
2015-2016 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S “ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTION FOR BIGDATA SECURITY MONITORING”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC-2015) held at Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Cochin during 3-5 Sept 2015, published by McGraw-Hill Education ,ISBN(13):978-93-392-2412-7, ISBN(10):93-392-2412-4
2014-2015 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil "Enhanced ranking method for information retrieval", ICACC 2014,
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Binu A and Sreelakshmi Ganesh, "Statistical Analysis to determine the performance of Multiple beneciaries of educational sector using Hadoop-Hive-ICDSE 2014
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Ancy Sherin Jose and Binu A., "Automatic Detection and Rectication of DNS Re ection Ampli- cation Attacks with Hadoop MapReduce and Chukwa,ICACC 2014
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Binu A., Anjali P.P., Bincy Andrews, Sreelakshmi Ganesh and Suman Elizabeth Daniel "An Impudent Ap- proach for Prudential Hadoop Cluster ,ICDSE 2014
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Neenu George and Binu A "An Analysis on Fault Tolerance Techniques in Cloud Computing Interna- tional Workshop Co-located with International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ACC)- 2014 (Accepted for Publication)
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Sruthy Santhosh and Binu A "An Analysis on Authentication Protocol To Resist Password Guessin- gAttacks International Workshop Co-located with International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ACC)- 2014 (Accepted for Publication)
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Replication in Grid Using Domination Set - HiPC 2014
2014-2015 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil "Survey on ranking methods for information retrieval ", NCCC 2014
2014-2015 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Extending MANETRouting Protocol by adding Gateway Mode
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A AutoScaling Of VM in Private And Public Cloud Environment with Debt Assessment (ICACC 2015)
2014-2015 Mr. Binu A Determination of Scheduling Mechanism Using Computational Intelligence in Cloud Computing (centre for information technology, university of petroleum dehradun)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Network Traffic Analysis : Hadoop Pig vs Typical MapReduce - Second International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Survey on Job Schedulers in Hadoop Cluster - IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Paralyzing Bioinformatics Applications Using Conducive Hadoop Cluster - IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A A Perusal On Hadoop Small File Problem - International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A An Exploration based on Multifarious Video Copy Detection Strategies - Fifth International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A A Survey On Bioinformatics Tools - Fifth International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Non repudiation for internet access by using browser based user authentication mechanism - Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A A Survey on Bio-inspired Methods for Resource Discovery - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Easier Management Strategy for Small and Large Enterprise Networks with Enhanced Security - International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Statistical Analysis to determine the performance of Multiple beneficiaries of educational sector using Hadoop-Hive - International Conference on Data Science Engineering (ICDSE)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A Automatic Detection and Rectification of DNS Reflection Amplification Attacks with Hadoop MapReduce and Chukwa - International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ACC)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A An Impudent Approach for Prudential Hadoop Cluster - International Conference on Data Science Engineering (ICDSE)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A An Impudent Approach for Prudential Hadoop Cluster - International Conference on Data Science Engineering (ICDSE)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A "An Analysis on Fault Tolerance Techniques in Cloud Computing - International Workshop Co-located with International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ACC)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Mr. Binu A An Analysis on Authentication Protocol To Resist Password GuessingAttacks - International Workshop Co-located with International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ACC)- 2014} (Accepted for Publication)
2013-2014 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Supporting Efficient Type-Ahead Keyword Search Using GINIX
2013-2014 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Effective XML Document Classification with Protection from Ambiguous Class
2013-2014 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil TaskTracker Aware Scheduling for Hadoop MapReduce
2013-2014 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Link Failure Recovery using Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System in Wireless Mesh Networks
2013-2014 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Wireless Device Localization using Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
2013-2014 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Improved Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System
2013-2014 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Association rule extraction from medical transcripts of diabetic patients
2013-2014 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Survey on Structure and Structure-content Classification of XML Document
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks
2013-2014 Dr. Lakshmi K.S. Position based Anonymous Routing Scheme in MANETs
2012-2013 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S GIS/GPS Tracking with E-Logistics" in Second National Conference on Innovation & Invention in Communication and Computing on 17th April 2013, Kalaivani College of Technology, Coimbatore
2012-2013 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S • IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)- Secure Data Accumulation and Certification Procedure for Sensor Networks
2012-2013 Ms. Chinchu Krishna S • International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)- DASH 7
2010-2011 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil Semantic Digital Library
Cochin University of Science & Technology
2010-2011 Dr. Varghese S. Chooralil A survey on Personalized Query Recommendation System for Database Exploration
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,