Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/                                                Date : 08/02/2021



Online KTU university examination for non credit courses of  2019-23 Batch scheduled on 5TH August 2021 has been rescheduled on 11th August 2021.

Name of Exam                                   Subject                                                 Exam time

S3(regular)                          MCN201-Sustainable Engineering             10.00 am to 12.15 pm(2hour 15min)

S1(supply)                           HUN101-Life Skills                                            2.00pm to 3.30 pm(1hour 30min)


Instructions for Students:

  • The exams will be conducted online
  • Students should join using the Google Meet link provided by the respective teachers 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Students should keep their video on (positioning it so that teacher may clearly see them) and keep their microphones muted during the exam.
  • All instructions given by the teacher should be strictly adhered to.
  • The Question Paper will be shared 5 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Answers should be written on A4 size sheets. All sheets should be clearly numbered
  • The answer scripts have to be scanned and uploaded in the Google Classroom of the course as per the directions given by the teacher.
  • Answer scripts should be uploaded within 30 minutes from the end of the exam. Answer scripts received after this time will not be evaluated.
  • Students shall write their KTU ID registration number on TOP SIDE and affix their SIGNATURE on the BOTTOM SIDE of ALL PAGES
  • Students are to submit the scanned answer sheets for one examination as a single PDF document with the filename as KTU Registration Number and Course Code in the format (For Eg; if RET19CS023 is the KTU Regn Number and MCN201 is the course code; then the file name shall be RET19CS023_ MCN201)
  • Students are directed to ensure that all sheets of the answer script are scanned and uploaded. No explanations/requests in this regard will be entertained later.
  • Students should maintain the hard copy of their answer sheets for 180 days, for verification if needed.




Sl No. Date Previous Notices
951 27-Apr-2022 RSET in Association with FRANKFURT University is Organizing a Seminar about Higher Studies Opportunities in Germany
952 26-Apr-2022 RSET in Association with Uniexperts is Organising an International Educational Fair
953 26-Apr-2022 RSET in Association with FLINDER?S University is organizing a Seminar about Higher Studies Opportunities
954 26-Apr-2022 The Solar Powered Charging Station at College is Made Functional After Periodic Maintenance.
955 25-Apr-2022 Seminar on Medical Image Segmentation using Deep Learning approaches? on 28th April 2022.
956 21-Apr-2022 S3 Supplementary KTU External Lab Examination Timetable
957 21-Apr-2022 ASCE Student Chapter (under probation) is organising an invited talk on ?Role of Vasthuvidya in Modern Construction?
958 21-Apr-2022 International Workshop on Embedded Systems, RTOS and CAN bus
959 21-Apr-2022 English Language Day Competitions
960 20-Apr-2022 Department of Civil Engineering - Third Semester B. Tech Degree Practical Examination, April 2022 (KTU, 2019 SCHEME)
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