Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6608                                                Date : 09/15/2022


B.Tech. Minor degree fourth semester (2020 admissions) second internal examinations will be held on 12th October 2022, 9.30 am to 11.30 am.

B.Tech. Honours fourth semester (2020 admissions) second internal examinations will be held on 13th October 2022, 9.30 am to 11.30 am.

As already published, 

B.Tech. Minor degree fourth semester (2020 admissions) End  Semester Examination  will be held on 22nd October 2022, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm


B.Tech. Honours fourth semester (2020 admissions) End Semester examinations will be held on 29th October 2022, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Examination registration can be done in the REXA portal from 3rd October to 12th October 2022. Examination fee to be paid:  250/-

Late registration: from 13th October to 15th October with a fee of ₹ 500/-



Sl No. Date Previous Notices
801 15-Sep-2022 B.Tech Minor and Honours Examinations
802 15-Sep-2022 B. Tech. S3 (2021 admissions) and S5 (2020 admissions) classes will commence on 1st November 2022.
803 15-Sep-2022 Department of Mechanical Engineering - 100006/ME422T MACHINE TOOLS LAB I - S4 ME (2020 Admissions) - End Semester Exam Timetable
804 15-Sep-2022 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Fourth Semester B. Tech Degree End Semester Practical Examination September 2022 - 100001/EC422T MICROCONTROLLER LAB
805 15-Sep-2022 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - Fourth Semester B. Tech Degree End Semester Practical Examination September 2022 - 100902/EC422S ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SIMULATION LAB
806 15-Sep-2022 Department of Civil Engineering - Sixth Semester B. Tech Degree Practical Examination September 2022 - CEL332 Transportation Engineering Lab
807 14-Sep-2022 Department of Computer Science and Engineering - S6 B.Tech Lab Examination (External)
809 13-Sep-2022 The selection of Open Elective for S7 students is now available in RSMS
810 13-Sep-2022 The Time Schedule for B.Tech. S7 Regular Classes Commencing on 14th September 2022
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