Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6442                                                Date : 06/21/2022


Beginning July 1, 2022, students are required to strictly follow all institutional rules and regulations, including those regarding uniforms and the use of mobile phones.


  1. Students should wear the complete uniform, with their photo identity cards,    whenever they come to the college, irrespective of whether it is a working day or not. They are also required to abide by the instructions issued by the administration with regard to the dress code for special occasions such as Onam, tech fests, etc.
  2. Students should be well-groomed and presentable on all days. Boys should have their hair cut neat and short. Girls are expected to keep their hair tied. The colouring of hair in any form is not allowed.
  3.  The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden inside the college buildings. The ban is applicable in all areas of these buildings including classrooms, laboratories, corridors, skywalks, and lifts. Any violation of this clause will lead to the confiscation of the mobile phone, which will be given back only at the end of the programme of study. No appeal from parents or students will be entertained in this regard. It is also informed that any faculty member from any department is authorized to take hold of the mobile phones if seen in use in the areas under the ban as above.


Violations of institutional rules and regulations will lead to strict actions.










Sl No. Date Previous Notices
791 30-Sep-2022 Department of Information Technology - Supplementary Lab Examination Timetable - 100902/IT322S DATA STRUCTURES LAB
792 29-Sep-2022 S3, S5, and S7 Students who Require College Bus Service must Register in the Students Corner
793 28-Sep-2022 B. Tech. Minor and Honours (S4) - Exams Postponed
795 28-Sep-2022 The Selection of S3 Minor is Available in RSMS
796 28-Sep-2022 Merit cum Means (MCM) Scholarships, Central Sector Scholarships, etc
797 28-Sep-2022 Department of Information Technology S4 B.Tech IT Degree Supplementary Lab Examination, October 2022 - (KTU 2019 Scheme)
798 27-Sep-2022 The last date for B.Tech.2022-23 fee remittance is extended to 5-October-2022
799 26-Sep-2022 Department of Civil Engineering S4 B.Tech Degree Practical Examination, October 2022 - 100007/CE422T Fluid Mechanics Lab
800 23-Sep-2022 Department of Information Technology S4 IT End Semester Practical Examination Timetable, September 2022
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