Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/7248                                                Date : 07/06/2023


Faculty Development Programme

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RSET, is conducting an FDP on “Cybersecurity and Blockchain technology”, from 31st July to 4th August 2023. All faculty members and research scholars are invited to register for the same. Registration fees for internal participants is Rs. 450/-.

Click Here for Register: https://tinyurl.com/yjavuavb



Sl No. Date Previous Notices
51 18-Nov-2024 Revised Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Fifth Semester End Semester Examination
52 18-Nov-2024 Registration and Schedule of M.Tech. Degree Third Semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination
53 13-Nov-2024 Open House for B.Tech. Semester 1
54 12-Nov-2024 B. Tech. Even Semester Theory Supplementary Examination and Odd Semester Practical Supplementary Examination (2020 admission) - Registration
55 12-Nov-2024 Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Third Semester End Semester Examination
56 12-Nov-2024 Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Fifth Semester End Semester Examination
57 12-Nov-2024 Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Seventh Semester End Semester Examination
58 12-Nov-2024 GAME JAM
59 11-Nov-2024 Faculty Development Programme on “Quantum Computing: Fundamentals, Algorithms and Applications”
60 8-Nov-2024 B. Tech. Degree Seventh Semester (2021 admission) & Fifth Semester (2022 admission) & Third Semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination (ESE) Registration
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