Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/3832                                                Date : 10/04/2017


Nest Centre of Excellence in IOT proposed to conduct idea presentation competition for S3 students on the following topics.


IoT-based parenting facilitation tools


1.       IoT tools to put kids to sleep

2.       IoT tools to promote kids to eat properly

3.       IoT tools to monitor kids movements

4.       IoT tools to provide safety and security to kids

5.       IoT tools to engage kids creatively

6.       IoT tools to read stories to kids

7.       IoT tools to calm kids

8.       IoT tools as playmate to kids

9.       IoT tools to identify learning disabilities

10.     IoT tools to promote socialisation


Interested students are requested to submit their abstract to Dr. S. Anand AP/ECE on or before 13-Oct-2017.



Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1601 10-Oct-2017 University Grants Commission has established a Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Students' Grievances Portal
1602 9-Oct-2017 'Sports 2017’ launch will be held on Wednesday, 11th October 2017 at 3.30pm
1603 5-Oct-2017 Open House for s1B.tech.students (2017-2018 admn.)
1605 4-Oct-2017 awareness program on AWS
1606 4-Oct-2017 The Name Game
1607 4-Oct-2017 Python boot camp
1608 4-Oct-2017 idea presentation competition
1609 18-Sep-2017 First Internal examination for S1, S3 and S5 KTU B.Tech students scheduled on 18th September 2017 has been rescheduled to 22nd September 2017
1610 11-Sep-2017 Saturday, 16th September 2017 will be a working day with Tuesday’s time table.
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