Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6025                                                Date : 10/18/2021


As per the revised Government notification,  offline classes for S7 B.Tech  will commence from 25th October 2021. 

Online classes for S3 B.Tech and S1 M.Tech will commence from 25th October 2021.
Offline classes for S3 B.Tech. and S1 M.Tech. will commence from 1st November 2021 onwards. 

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1131 25-Oct-2021 KTU S4 University Examinations- Instructions to Students
1132 22-Oct-2021 Online Webinar on the Topic ‘Internet-of-Things’
1133 20-Oct-2021 List of Provisionally Admitted S3 Students to Men’s Hostel:-2021-22
1134 18-Oct-2021 As per the Revised Government Notification, Offline Classes for S7 B.Tech will Commence from 25th October 2021
1135 13-Oct-2021 Men’s Hostel Admission for Second-year (S3) Students:-2021-22
1136 13-Oct-2021 Webinar Series on "Recent Trends and Developments in Nanocomposites"
1137 12-Oct-2021 International Faculty Development Program on “Sustainable Developments and Practices in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering”
1138 12-Oct-2021 International Faculty Development Program on “Sustainable Developments and Practices in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering” - Inauguration Schedule
1139 11-Oct-2021 Sensitization on Intellectual Property Rights
1140 11-Oct-2021 Physical (offline) Classes for S3 B.Tech Students
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