The Club aims at promoting the mathematical skills and acumen of the students. Membership is open to all students with a strong affinity to Mathematics. The activities of the club include quizzes, puzzles, video shows, projects, workshops etc.


Events Organised

Sl No. Title Date Organiser Description
1 Mathematics Quiz for First Years 27-Oct-2023 RSET in association with Mathematics Club To select students of first years to maths club.
2 Treasure hunt 9-Jun-2023 RSET in association with Mathematics Club A puzzle competition
3 17 th All Kerala Mathematics Quiz competition 16-Feb-2021 RSET in association with Mathematics club
4 Paper presentation 12-Feb-2021 Dept MA in association with Mathematics club
5 MATHEMATICS CLUB DAY 31-Jan-2019 Mathematics Club in association with Dept. of Basic Sceinces and Humanities
6 One day Workshop on Introduction to Topology 30-Jan-2019 Dept BSH in association with CETA and MATHEMATICS CLUB