RSET Events

Nurturing sustainable minds

Organised by: Nature Club   


Nurturing sustainable minds

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11615

Details of the Event

Organised by Nature Club
Description ? This is a class activity for the entire college on 05/05/2023 during 11.30 am - 12.30 pm ? Three teams are to be formed among the students of a class suitably, for the smooth conduct of the 3 activities. ? There will be two student representatives from the nature club for each class and a member from the non-teaching staff to monitor the activities ACTIVITY DETAILS ACTIVITY 1: GREEN CLASSROOM CHALLENGE Identify locations inside the classroom which will not affect normal academic activities and make it green. Ensure aesthetics are maintained. ACTIVITY 2: GREEN SPACE IN THE DEPARTMENT Create a green space in the location allotted by the department (not more than 10 pots) ACTIVITY 3: POSTER DESIGNING Prepare a poster/collage of A3 or A2 size (handmade), related to the theme ?Nurturing sustainable minds?
Type Club Activity
Level College
Need Objective: To make the RSET classrooms and departments green and cultivate a mindset that prioritizes sustainability
Date 5-May-2023
Place All classrooms are involved in this activity, Time 11.30 am to 12.30 pm