RSET Events

Webinar on Opportunities and challenges in emerging technology

Organised by: IEEE    IAS Chapter


Webinar on Opportunities and challenges in emerging technology

Event Registeration No : RET/Evnt/2024/11009

Details of the Event

Organised by IEEE in association with IAS Chapter
Description IEEE IAS SBC, RSET is planning to organize a Webinar on “Opportunities and challenges in emerging technology” by Abhishek Gupta, CEO at Hex N Bit. We would like to conduct it on 10th June 2021. We are expecting 50 -70 students to participate in this event. The session will be held with all privacy policies ensured. We request you to kindly grant us permission for the same.
Type Seminars
Level College
Need IEEE IAS SBC, RSET is planning to organize a Webinar on “Opportunities and challenges in emerging technology” by Abhishek Gupta, CEO at Hex N Bit. We would like to conduct it on 10th June 2021. We are expecting 50 -70 students to participate in this event. The session will be held with all privacy policies ensured. We request you to kindly grant us permission for the same.
Date 10-Jun-2021
Place 5 - 6 PM. -Webex
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