Notice No: RSET/PL/N/5231                                         Date : 01/10/2020 BRIDGE COURSE ON LOGIC DEVELOPMENT & INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING, JANUARY 2020 Department of
Information Technlogy is organizing a bridge course on ‘Logic Development&
Introduction to Programming’ for S2 IT,CE and EEE students (without computer
science background). Date: 13/01/2020,14/01/2020,18/01/2020 Timetable:
Lecture No Topic No. of hrs Time Faculty 1 Day 1 Algorithms: Introduction, algorithm for Displaying “Hello World”, Read two numbers, add them and display their sum, Read the radius of a circle, calculate its area and display it (Use 3.14 instead of pi). 1 8.30 am -9.30 am Ms.Bency Wilson/Ms.Jean P Johny 2 Basic structure of C program: Character set, Constants ,Tokens, Identifiers in C, Variables and Data Types , Constants, Console IO Operations, printf and scanf. 1 9.30 a.m-10.30 a.m Ms.Chichu K.S/Ms.Nikhila T Bhuvan 3 Operators and Expressions: Expressions and Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, Conditional operator, sizeof operator, Assignment operators and Bitwise Operators. Operators Precedence 1 10.45 a.m -11.40 a.m Ms.Saritha S/.Ms.Lakshmi K S 4 Programs using Operators and Expressions. 1 11.40 a.m-12.30 noon Ms.Saritha S/Ms.Jean P Johny Afternoon Session -Practice Labs MsSaritha S,Ms.Bency Wilson,Ms.Chinchu K S/Ms.Jean P Johny,Ms.Nikhila T Bhuvan,Ms.Lakshmi K.S 5 Day 2 Control statements: if, if-else, nested if 1.Read 3 integer values and find the largest amoung them. 1 8.30 am -9.30 am Ms.Chichu K S/Ms.Lakshmi K S 6 Switch(Simple Calculator) ,Unconditional Branching using goto statement. 1 9.30 a.m -10.30 a.m Ms.Saritha K.S/Ms.Nikhila T Bhuvan 7 While Loop, Do While Loop, For Loop, Break And Continue statements.(Simple programs covering control flow) 2 10.45 a.m-12.30 noon Ms.Bency Wilson/Ms.Jean P Johny Afternoon Session -Practice Labs MsSarithaS,Ms.BencyWilson,Ms.Chinchu K S/Ms.Jean P Johny,Ms.Nikhila T Bhuvan,Ms.Lakshmi K.S 8 Day 3 Arrays Declaration and Initialization, 1-Dimensional Array, 2-Dimensional Array.Program to Read n integers, store them in an array and find their sum and average 2 8.30 am -10.30 am Ms.Bency Wilson/Ms.Jean P Johny 9 Practice Labs 10:45 am -12:30 noon MsSarithaS,Ms.BencyWilson,Ms.Chinchu K S/Ms.Jean P Johny,Ms.Nikhila T Bhuvan,Ms.Lakshmi K.S Exit Test (2:30-4:30 pm)18/01/2020
Faculty taking class for ITand CE– MsSaritha S,Ms.Bency Wilson,Ms.Chinchu K S Faculty taking class for EEE – Ms.Jean P Johny,Ms.Nikhila T
Bhuvan,Ms.Lakshmi K.S Class Venue: IT & CE- S7 IT EEE-S5 IT Lab Venue: Quantum Lab & Ulysses Lab
Time- (1.30-4.30pm)-13/01/2020
2. Read a Natural Number and check whether the number is prime or not
3. Read a Natural Number and check whether the number is Armstrong or not
4.Check for leap year
(1.30-4.30p.m) 14/01/2020